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How to find us?


The Alpinence is situated in the Ulten Valley (Val d’Ultimo). The Valley is between Bolzano and Merano. It isn’t matter if you come from Brennero or Resia. You drive the Highway (called MeBo) until you reach the Exit “Merano Sud” and drive to the town Lana. There is on the right side the exit to Val d’Ultimo. Now begins the mountain street. At first you drive along the town San Pancrazio until you reach finally the town Santa Valburga. Drive until the end of the town to the Hotel “Seerast” which is situated on the left side of the street. Immediately after the Hotel on the right hand side there is the street which leads you directly to the Larcherberg. You drive this mountain street approx. 4km. After that you will find a street on the left side with the sign “Innerlarchahof”. Follow the sign for 1km and you will reach the Alpinence.


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