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This is us!

Welcome to our little piece of paradise in the mountains! We are Delia and Sepp, your gracious hosts and the faces behind this welcoming vacation rental. Allow us to provide you with a glimpse into our history as you get ready to embark on unforgettable days in our stunning region.



Delia, your host, brings a wealth of experience in the hospitality industry. After completing her education as a hotel manager, she pursued her passion for hospitality in various renowned hotels. Her attention to detail and constant endeavor to provide guests with an unparalleled stay eventually led her to a new challenge in the field of tax consulting. Here, she gained valuable insights into the business world while refining her organizational and customer service skills. Today, Delia combines her extensive expertise from both realms to ensure that your stay with us is not only comfortable but also unforgettable.


Sepp, our esteemed retiree and your second host, has spent his entire life in this enchanting mountain region between Merano and Ultimo Valley. His knowledge of the area, its hidden treasures, and its stories is unmatched. From a young age, Sepp carried within him a love for nature and tradition. After a long career as a businessman in the fruit industry, he fulfilled his dream of peace, tranquility, and a connection to nature during his retirement. Now, he shares this precious legacy with you, our esteemed guests.

Together, Delia and Sepp have realized their lifelong dream by creating these wonderful vacation apartments, meant to provide you a home away from home. Their shared passion for hospitality, love for nature, and commitment to excellence are reflected in every detail of the accommodations. You can be certain that your stay with us will not just be a journey but an unforgettable experience.

We look forward to welcoming you to our little paradise and assisting you in creating memories that will last a lifetime. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if you'd like information about the best activities and attractions in the region. Your satisfaction and comfort are our top priorities.

Warm regards,
Delia & Sepp



The evolution of our present-day vacation apartments holds a captivating history closely intertwined with the transformation of a farmstead into a haven for travelers. This narrative traces its origins to the father of your host, Sepp, who was born on this estate and spent his formative years there. The agricultural way of life and the rural surroundings significantly shaped his early experiences.

As time progressed, ownership of the farmstead changed hands. After 16 years, curiosity was rekindled in Sepp's father about his childhood home. Despite residing on the opposite side of the mountain, he resolved to traverse the peaks and revisit the farm where he had grown up, and where he later met and fell in love with his wife.

Their bond deepened, eventually culminating in marriage. However, the farm remained under the ownership of a maternal relative, who faced personal challenges including alcohol-related issues. This resulted in the neglect of the farm, ultimately leading to its auction.

Driven by a profound emotional connection to the land, Sepp's father, despite limited financial means, made the decision to reclaim the farm. The ties to this place of birth and childhood held immense significance for him.

Many years later, Sepp assumed responsibility for the farm from his parents. Through focused care and efforts, he gradually transformed the agricultural enterprise into a haven of relaxation.

Collaborating with his daughter, Delia, contributed to the property's advancement and refinement. The creation of vacation apartments was aimed at sharing the beauty of this locale with others. These spaces evolved into a magnet for seekers of tranquility and enthusiasts of nature.

Today, the farm stands as the culmination of these endeavors – a sanctuary of serenity that preserves its historical roots while offering modern comforts and amenities. The vacation apartments, once home to stables and structures of the past, serve as a reflection of the connection to nature and the region's heritage. This perpetuation of tradition and continuity from generation to generation ensures that the farm remains a timeless refuge, providing visitors with a unique experience.

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